BLOG for Home Baristas

Insight behind the scenes of perfect coffee. In our blog, we show the people behind the GILDA coffee machine and "tips & tricks" on everything there is to know about coffee - and why practice makes perfect.

What’s the best way to store coffee beans?

There’s nothing like the smell of fresh coffee. And if stored correctly, it will retain its aroma and flavour long enough to make the last espresso taste as good as the first. Here are a few things to be aware of:

The most important thing is freshness. Pay attention to the roasting date when buying, most roasting houses write it on the packaging.

Buy just enough coffee to last you two weeks.

The best way to store your coffee is in a cool, dark, dry place.

No need to transfer to a container! The best way to preserve the aroma is to store your coffee in its original packaging. If you prefer to transfer it to a nice (airtight) container, however, always make sure the container is cleaned thoroughly. Old coffee fat and oil quickly go rancid, spoiling the fresh coffee.

Always use a clip to close an opened bag of coffee and consume quickly.

Only fill the bean hopper with enough coffee for one day.

Clean the bean hopper regularly to avoid a build-up of fat and oil.

This blog was written by D. Tschümperlin

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