BLOG for Home Baristas

Insight behind the scenes of perfect coffee. In our blog, we show the people behind the GILDA coffee machine and "tips & tricks" on everything there is to know about coffee - and why practice makes perfect.

«Once you have a GILDA, you don't want anything else.»

He is a world-class professional cyclist, coffee lover and GILDA ambassador: Stefan Bissegger is enthusiastic about his GILDA NeroNotte and serves photogenic cappuccini in no time. How coffee fits in with cycling, why the energy kick isn't everything and where his latte art skills come from.

Stefan, what does coffee mean to you?
Coffee is a mega pleasure for me. I like the taste, the consistency, the creaminess. And the energy kick on top is of course very welcome.

How many cups of coffee do you drink on average in a day?
Three to four cups.

What is your personal coffee consumption like?
I usually start with a Flat White for breakfast. Then nominally one just before training. After four to five hours on the bike, I have lunch in the afternoon between three and four o'clock. Then I finish with the last coffee of the day. If I drink some later, I can't sleep. (laughs)


And when you're not training, like today?
On my rest day, I'm not so structured. I take whatever comes along.

Your favourite coffee?
Flat white. I only have espresso when I'm training really hard, because then I don't tolerate milk so well. And I always have a Doppio.

What influence does coffee have on your athletic performance?

We cyclists are coffee junkies. Caffeine has been proven to improve performance. So it has a performance-enhancing effect. After four or five hours of training you're just tired in the head, and after a coffee you're fine again. They say that coffee wakes up tired legs (laughs).

“GILDA are the only ones in Switzerland who produce something so beautiful with such precision.” Stefan Bissegger

How did you come across GILDA? 

 I did some research and GILDA coffee machines are the only ones in Switzerland that produce something so beautiful with such precision. The biggest advantage is the heating time of just two minutes. That's unique: I come home, turn on the machine and shortly afterwards I can already drink my coffee. Once you have that, you don't want anything else.


Why a Swiss product?

It was important to me that my new coffee machine comes from Switzerland. I have an extreme connection to my country and want to support it wherever I can. Whatever is possible comes from here. 


You are the proud owner of a black NeroNotte. What makes it special?

I like the machine very much and it is totally easy to clean. But I also enjoy the grinder. A good grinder is simply a must. Only together do you get a great result.


And the inner values?

The low energy consumption of the GILDA is impressive. Swiss engineering, that's what it is. It only needs 1/11 of the energy that my previous portafilter machine used - amazing!


What else has changed with the switch to GILDA?

I used to make coffee with a stopwatch. With the GILDA, I'm much freer now and still get just as precise a result.

Energy efficiency
The GILDA espresso machine is the most energy-efficient dual-boiler coffee machine ever. It is based on an innovative technology that uses a minimum of energy. It reaches operating temperature in 2 minutes and heats only the amount of water needed.

More about energy efficiency?

What does the perfect coffe taste like for you?

I like a very fruity coffee. Not necessarily the traditonal Italian kind.  


Which coffee beans have inspired you recently?

I find Henauer's speciality coffees very fine. I like to change. Sometimes something Indian, sometimes an Italian roast, sometimes single origin, sometimes a blend, sometimes Arabica, sometimes Robusta and so on.


You make really photogenic Latte Art. Do you have a tip for anyone who wants to do it as well?

Whatch lots of YouTube videos - the mor, the better (laughs). The most important thing is taht the milk is properly foamed, i.e. that its consistency is right. Then you've already got 80 percent. I use cow's milk. Of course, attending a cours would be the best, but we cyclists don't have time for that. That's why I did it by whatching videos.

GILDA ist...

…Sparsam. Präzise. Genussvoll.


Du bist GILDA-Botschafter. Was schätzt du an GILDA? 

Wie familiär alles ist. Dorothea und Marco Tschümperlin sind Gründer, Hersteller, Verkäufer, Serviceteam und Support in einem. Das beeindruckt mich. Auch die persönliche Schulung ist wirklich einmalig. Da kann man seine Lieblingsbohnen mitnehmen, gemeinsam die eigene Maschine einstellen und kaum zu Hause, schon den ersten Kaffee geniessen. 


Apropos: Was bedeutet Genuss für dich?

Als Sportler gibt es Dinge, die man konsumieren darf und Dinge, die man meiden sollte, wie zum Beispiel Bier oder Chips. Kaffee gehört zu den guten. Kaffee allein hat ja keine Kalorien und Milch nur wenige. Einen feinen Flat White kann ich mir leisten und darum geniesse ich ihn umso mehr. 


Wer muss unbedingt auch eine GILDA haben?

Alle Velofahrer! Nach dem Training mit Kollegen machen wir gerne noch einen Kaffeestopp bei jemandem daheim. Da muss es schnell gehen. Seit ich die GILDA habe, kommen alle sehr gerne zu mir. (lacht) 

Espresso or cappuccino?


Indulgence or energy boost?



Lowland or mountain?



Standing or sitting?

Sitting. Cyclists don't like to stand (laughs).


Pragmatic oder perfect?



Robusta oder Arabica?


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Die Qualität macht auch beim Kaffee den Unterschied. Deshalb erstaunt es nicht, dass in Schweizer Haushalten immer mehr Dualboilersysteme in Betrieb sind. Die Energieetikette, die seit 2015 für alle Geräte obligatorisch ist, wird diesem Segment aber in keiner Weise gerecht.


Auf einen Kaffee mit...

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